Paint Line System

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Paint Line System

AluK GB is a leading aluminium systems house with over 25 years’ experience in designing innovative, energy-efficient windows, doors and curtain wall products.

As part of their manufacturing process the raw materials must pass through a number of stages. The issue for ALUK was that they had no insight at which stages in the process orders were at.

Challenges During The Project

The daily manufacturing process involves thousands of different parts, a number of different stages and multiple customers.

  • Analyzing research data and identifying trends and patterns
  • Conducting usability testing sessions with users
  • Measuring Timing and Experience
  • Gathering user feedback through surveys and questionnaires
How Works It?

We were able to develop a line of business system that provided a 360 view of all orders for the shop floor engineers, a customer overview for customer services and a comprenhensive suite of reports for management.

Project Details
  • Client: ALUK
  • Catagory:Web
  • Date:10/09/2020
  • Year:2022
  • Location:UK
How Can We Help

If you are looking for help with your line of business project please get in touch

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